
I was working in a multinational company for 15 years being part of Finance Project Management team and as a Trainer. My job opened great opportunities to advance my training skills.

In 2014, I was blessed to become pregnant with my son. During my pregnancy, I was very lucky to be introduced to HypnoBirthing.

I have two children an 18-year-old boy and a 2-year-old boy. The births were very different. The first birth was stressful and traumatic. On my second pregnancy, I made a decision that I would like the birth to be calm and relaxed. I attended HypnoBirthing classes and practiced the techniques and the skills and when the time came for me to give birth, everything unfolded for my husband and I as we had imagined and dreamed of! It was natural, calm, relaxed, comfortable and totally self-led birth without pain relief or any sort of intervention.

My own birthing journey deeply inspired me and I made a decision to become HypnoBirthing Instructor. In April following year opportunity presented itself and Marie Mongan HypnoBirthing method came to Dublin. I got the qualification and have been teaching HypnoBirthing since then.

My aim is to help one woman at a time and to walk the journey with her and her partner. The journey that starts in a place of fear and concern, to a place of a relaxed, calm and totally prepared mind and body.

Being a HypnoBirthing Mum myself, I offer my own birthing story and being a qualified Instructor I teach physiology, breathing techniques and meditation to change the mindset


Marie Mongan and the origins of HypnoBirthing:

‘’My dream is that every woman, everywhere, will know the joy of a truly safe, comfortable birthing for herself and her baby’’.

Marie F. Mongan

HypnoBirthing Mongan method is the only original HypnoBirthing method created and patented.

Marie’s message is all about the normalcy of birth and about birthing babies in safety, calm and peace.

About HypnoBirthing:

This is a method and a skill of achieving calm and comfortable birth. It’s only natural that you are seeking a birthing which is safe, satisfying and naturally comfortable for you and your baby.

HypnoBirthing is designed to enhance these feelings of uniqueness and empowerment, helping you to reach an awareness of your body as the most perfect instrument of nature – the vehicle through which the baby will miraculously develop and enter into this world.


During my classes, you come to understand that when the mind is free of stress and fear that cause the body to respond with pain, nature is free to guide birth in the same well-designed manner that it does for all other normal physiological functions.

HypnoBirthing Classes Available

For HypnoBirthing Classes

Please contact Luba on 086 785 2384


About the course:

In my classes, you will learn how to let go of lingering fears, release anxieties, deeply relax and embrace your natural birthing instincts. You will learn everything you need to know to achieve easier, safer and more calm and comfortable birth.

You will learn breathing and relaxation techniques that will serve you during birthing. These techniques will help to manage surges (contractions) during labour and to be sufficiently relaxed to eliminate Fear-Tension-Pain syndrome.

Classes At Primary Care Psychotherapy

Classes consist of 12 hours of birth preparation spread over a period of four weeks

Class Timetable

3 Hour classes are run on a weekly basis

For more information, please feel free to contact me on this email or 086 7852384

Click on the link below to view a talk on HypnoBirthing on RTE

RTEs Today Show about HypnoBirthing

Celebrity HypnoBirths